apiVersion: # version
kind: Table # always Table
name: # Kubernetes object name
namespace: # Kubernetes namespace
database: # name of the database object
name: # actual name of the table to create
schema: # defining the schema of the table
postgres: # this is a postgres schema
primaryKey: # array of column names in the primary key
foreignKeys: # defining the foreign keys
- columns: # columns in the foreign key
- colname # include this column in foreign key
references: # other side of the reference
table: # table name the key references
columns: # foreign table columns
- colname # a column in the foreign table
indexes: # local indexes
- columns: # define columns in the index
- colname # a column in the index
name: # name of the index
isUnique: # bool indicating a unique index
columns: # defining the columns
- name: # name of the column
type: # data type of the column
contstraints: # adding constraints to this column
notNull: # set "not null" on the column
mysql: # this is a mysq schema
primaryKey: # array of column names in the primary key
foreignKeys: # defining the foreign keys
- columns: # columns in the foreign key
- colname # include this column in foreign key
references: # other side of the reference
table: # table name the key references
columns: # foreign table columns
- colname # a column in the foreign table
indexes: # local indexes
- columns: # define columns in the index
- colname # a column in the index
name: # name of the index
isUnique: # bool indicating a unique index
columns: # defining the columns
- name: # name of the column
type: # data type of the column
contstraints: # adding constraints to this column
notNull: # set "not null" on the column
attributes: # adding attributes to this column
autoIncrement: # set "auto_increment" on the integer type column
cockroachdb: # this is a cockroachdb schema
primaryKey: # array of column names in the primary key
foreignKeys: # defining the foreign keys
- columns: # columns in the foreign key
- colname # include this column in foreign key
references: # other side of the reference
table: # table name the key references
columns: # foreign table columns
- colname # a column in the foreign table
indexes: # local indexes
- columns: # define columns in the index
- colname # a column in the index
name: # name of the index
isUnique: # bool indicating a unique index
columns: # defining the columns
- name: # name of the column
type: # data type of the column
default: # default value for the column
contstraints: # adding constraints to this column
notNull: # set "not null" on the column